My name is Allyson Souza, I’m a web developer specialized in WordPress. Free software and open web enthusiast. Currently Senior Web Developer at NextPress and former cofounder of Haste Studio.

I graduated from FATEC São Caetano do Sul as a Digital Games Programming Technologist in 2014, but I’ve dedicated my career to web development from the start.

I learned WordPress around 2010 and began specializing in 2013 when we decided to use the platform to develop our website at Haste Studio. During this process, I came into contact with the community, which was an extremely positive surprise and from where I got a lot of help, and from then on I never let go of the platform.

During the 13 years of Haste Studio (2009-2022), I worked on the development of customized themes, plugins, migrations, integrations with other systems, and various solutions involving WordPress.

I have contributed to the WordPress community, having co-organized events in the São Paulo community from 2014 to 2021, Global Translator Editor, moderator of the national forum, among other contributions.